Урок английского языка «Счастливая семья. Урок английского языка «Счастливая семья Тема урока: «Счастливая семья»

Урок английского языка по теме: «Кто творец семейного счастья?»

(Who is the creator of family happiness?)

Пояснительная записка :
В учебниках по английскому языку всегда есть темы, связанные с семьёй и семейными отношениями. Текст урока рассказывает о том, что нелегко создать семью. В материале предлагаются разные речевые упражнения, которые нацеливают учащихся на пересказ текста с выводами. Учащиеся должны уметь отвечать на вопросы по тексту, объяснять значение пословиц, опираясь на лексический материал урока. Все свои высказывания они должны подтверждать аргументами.
Они должны объяснить: кто же творец семейного счастья и на каких основных правилах держится настоящая семья. Этот материал предназначен для учащихся 9 –х классов.

Универсальные учебные действия:

Цель: формирование учащихся о семейном счастье;
умеют понимать основное содержание текста;
умеют соотносить заданные части речи;
умеют объяснить значение пословиц о семейном счастье;
умеют делать выводы;
умеют аргументировать свои высказывания.
Метапредметные: умеют брать примеры из исторических источников;
умеют опираться на свои собственные знания.

Ход урока:

1 . Вступительное слово учителя:
Dear students! All people in the world want to be happy. But what is happiness? There are many answers to this question. Happiness is a state when you are loved and you can love somebody as faithfully as you can. Happiness is peace.

As you see, we need very much to be happy. A man has to overcome many difficulties and achieve many aims during his lifetime.
There is such a prover” To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”. (Бороться, искать, найти, не сдаваться)
It was the motto of a lot of heroes, who gave their lives for our Motherland.
But what’s family happiness? A family is a base of our society, children are born, new generations appear. Life goes on every day.
But it’s very difficult to create a good family, when all members of families are happy. So, what is the aim of our lesson?
2 . Учащиеся формулируют цель урока.
3 . Работа по тексту:

«Who is the creator of family happiness?»

Leo Tolstoy in his famous novel «Anna Karenina» wrote: «All happy families are alike». I believe it is true. When a family is happy, it means that all members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents.

The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. When young people marry, they sometimes think that happiness in their marriage will be created by somebody else, not by themselves. They are mistaken. To create a happy marriage is their own duty. Both husband and wife must create their happiness together. As an English proverb goes, «Marriage halves one’s rights and doubles one’s duties».

So, to create a happy family is a difficult problem, but everything depends on ourselves. It is very important to know well not only your future if you are a husband or a wife. It is also important to know yourself, because family life may reveal something new (and even not so good) in your own character. Only when each member of the family thinks about the happiness of the others will the family be happy.

4. a) Phonetic drill:

Happy, happiness, family, marriage, character, ability;

Famous, play, great, create, labour, mistake, take.

Believe, mean, keep up, reveal, each, achievements,
b) Answer these questions:

What did Tolstoy write in his famous novel “Anna Karenina?”
Do you agree with Tolstoy? What does happy family mean? What’s the role of a family today? What can you say about relationships in the family? Is it a difficult problem to create a happy family? Who can create a happy family?
c) What examples of good families do you know?
Pupil’s answers, look at the pictures please:

Karl Marx and his wife

Gorbachev and his wife Raisa

Mstislav Rostropovich and his wife - Galina Vishnevskaya

Kasatkina and Kolosov
d) Match verbs and nouns:

e) What are the basic principles of building a good family?

Pupil’s answers:
Happy family denotes:
mutual love, trusting each other, mutual understanding, mutual taking care of each other, respecting each other, helping each other, love each other…
f) Discussion:
“A happy marriage is a science, an art, hard work”.
Pupil’s answers.

g) Proverbs about family happiness:

(Пословицы о семейном счастье)
“Love is the matter of love”;
“Love is the true price of love”;
“There is a great force hidden in a sweet command”;
(слово – великая сила)
“The voice of one man is the voice of no one”
(один в поле не воин)
What do these provers denote? How do you understand them?

h) Установите соответствия между заголовками 1-6 и текстами A-F. Используйте свои ответы. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Leo Tolstoy in his famous novel « Anna Karenina» wrote: «All happy families are alike». I believe it is true. When a family is happy, it means that all members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents.
B . The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. When young people marry, they sometimes think that happiness in their marriage will be created by somebody else, not by themselves. They are mistaken. To create a happy marriage is their own duty. Both husband and wife must create their happiness together. As an English proverb goes, «Marriage halves one’s rights and doubles one’s duties».
C. A happy marriage does not mean that husband and wife must have similar characters, but the ability to understand each other. It’s really very difficult to keep up a marriage without mutual understanding. « Marriage is for life»- the English people say meaning that it should last all one’s life. But all people keep up their love for a long time. They may not know that a happy marriage is a science, an art, hard work.
D. You know, everyday life consists of many small things. Take, for example, housework. It takes up a great deal of time. But if all the members of the family help each other, if everybody has his special duties, keeping house won’t be so difficult.
E. So, to create a happy family is a difficult problem, but everything depends on ourselves. It is very important to know well not only your future if you are a husband or a wife. It is also important to know yourself, because family life may reveal something new (and even not so good) in your own character. Only when each member of the family thinks about the happiness of the others will the family be happy
1 . What does a happy family mean?
2. The role of family in our life.
3 . A happy marriage is a difficult job.
4 . Everyday’s duties.
5. How to create a happy family?
6 . Problems of family life.
Answers: 1-A; 2- B; 3- C;
4- D; 5- E.
i) Choose the correct answer:

1. A happy family denotes:

people do not trust each other;
people respect and love each other;
people suspect each other.
2. A happy marriage denotes:
parents quarrel every day;
parents support each other;
parents do not understand each other.
3. It’s a great problem to create a good and happy family because:
parents have difficult jobs, so they can’t pay attention to each other;
our life may reveal something new in people’s characters;
everything depends on ourselves.

j) Look at these pictures and try to understand:

are these families happy? what are your arguments?

Салаватуллина Аниса Анисовна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Апастовская СОШ»
Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
«Что делает семью счастливым?»
с применением развивающих структур
Английский язык
10 класс

Тема «Что делает семью счастливым?»
Тип урока: Урок комплексного обобщения и углубленного изучения темы.
Вид урока: Урок применения практических знаний.
Цели: создать условия для развития креативного и критического мышления и
учебно­познавательной компетенции в условиях эффективной обучающей
­ образовательные: развивать умения в письменной и устной речи,
построенные на знакомом и новом языковом материале;
- развивающие: развивать память, любознательность, внимание, творческое
воображение, способность к критическому осмыслению предлагаемой
информации, формированию навыков построения теорий на основе
­воспитательные: воспитывать правильное отношение к своему здоровью,
закрепить чувство сотрудничества и взаимопомощи.
Место проведения: учебный кабинет.
Средства обучения:
1. учебник «Enjoy English­10» авт. Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А.,
Трубанёва Н.Н.;
2. карточки для задания Tic Tac Toe.
3. листы бумаги для задания Placemat Consensus.
4. фото семьи для задания See Think Wonder.
Этапы урока:
2. Актуализация знаний, полученных ранее.
3. Рефлексия.
4. Ознакомление с новой темой
5. Закрепление темы.
Домашнее задание.
1. Организационная часть урока.
Ход урока.
Приветствие, проверка подготовленности к учебному занятию, организация
внимания обучающихся.
Are you fine today? How are your parents? How is your sister/brother?
Актуализация знаний, полученных ранее.

1) Формирование команд. Обучающая структура See Think Wonder.

1. Look at the photo, think and answer the question ­What and whom do you see?
Write your answers. You have 2 minutes.
2. Now answer the question­ What do you think about this family? Try to use the
words which we learnt last lessons. Think first and then write your answers.
You have 3 minutes.
3. Now last part of this task, you should answer the question­ What does it make
you to think about? Here you should ask questions according your answers.
You have 3 minutes.
Структура See Think Wonder:
1.Рассматривают фото семьи и описывают свои наблюдения.
2. Приводят толкование, что они видят, и делятся своими идеями.
3. Углубляются в тему, задают вопросы по своим наблюдениям этих данных
2) Структура Continuous Round Robin­ используется для интерпретации и
обменивания своими идеями по очереди по структуре See Think Wonder (3
пункта 3 круга)
­ Now, let"s share your ideas, sightings and opinions. 2 min­s
3) Структура
Tic Tac Toe­ используется для вовлечения в применение
креативного и критического мышления для выявления создания связей между
изучаемыми словами и фразами.
Команде раздается карточка со словами и фразами по теме, ученики номеруют
их от 1 до 9. Ученик №2 смешивает карты(cards) и раскладывает их на столе по
схеме 3х3, начиная с номера стола по направлению к другим членам команды.
Ученики записывают 3 предложения по горизонтали, вертикали и диагонали. (in
You have 3 minutes.

Структура Continuous Round Robin­ используется для обменивания своими
предложениями по очереди (3 круга) 3 circles. You have 2 minutes.
Опросить несколько учеников.

3. Let’s have a rest and do some physical exercises. Структура Таке Off
Touch Down. Если согласны с утверждением учителя встаем, если нет
остаемся сидя.
1) To look out for someone means to take care of someone +
2) To get on somebody’s nervous means to stop being friendly­
3) To make up with means to become friendly again with +
4) To keep somebody company means to spend time with someone+
5) To fall out means to make you feel happy­ 3 min­s

4. Ознакомление с темой урока. Обучающая структура Placemat
Consensus (Brainstorming). Placemat Consensus – What makes a family
(10 мин)
1) In the sheets of paper write down the ideas about how do you think what
makes a family happy? (сгибать бумагу­to fold the paper)
You have 3 minutes.
2) Discuss your ideas in the group using Continuous Round Robin and decide
which of them are the most important ones and choose 5 ideas. If you agree
with the partner raise your thumb.
3) Student № 3, put the ideas down in the middle box, please.
You have 5 minutes.
(Рефлексия: how do you think what makes a family happy? Just 1 idea. ­ опросить
по одному номеру с каждого стола) (2 мин)
5. Закрепление лексических знаний. Билетик на выход/ Leaving Ticket
Структура 800 Rubles Summary –one word costs 32 rubles, you should
write a summary according to our lessons theme “What makes a family
happy?” using 25 words.
You have 4 minutes.
6. Домашнее задание: Ех.51 р.67 (1 мин)
Использованная литература:
1. Учебник: М.З.Биболетова, Е.Е.Бабушис, Н.Д.Снежко «Enjoy English»
10 класс. – Обнинск, Титул, 2012. соответствует федеральному
компоненту государственного стандарта общего образования по
иностранному языку и имеет гриф «Рекомендовано Министерством
образования и науки Российской Федерации».
2. Литература для учителя: М.З.Биболетова, Е.Е.Бабушис, Н.Д.Снежко,
Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием к учебнику
английского языка «Enjoy English» 11 класса, Обнинск, Титул, 2009.
3. Совершенствование качества образования в РТ, Преобразование
обучения для XXI века.

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учителя английского языка


Оборудование :

Ход урока

Организационный момент:

Фонетическая зарядка:

Основная часть:


На экране схема:

When are you happy?


Use the structure “I feel happy when I … ” or “I am happy when I…

As for me, I feel happy when I travel .

T “… make (makes) me happy”.

As for me, my daughter makes me happy.


Use the structure “I will be happy if I have…

As for me,


We can be happy

advices everybody . Do your favourite job everything

Unfortunately, there are many beggars offers them some help.

For rich people happiness is a bit different second or a third flat, when they open their own shop.

each other

I have my own Earth believe that all will be OK even something bad happens.


For example,



T everything and everywhere

P2 - Do your favourite job.

P4 - Enjoy everything you do.

T – Thank you for your advice and for your work today. Be happy.

Конспект урока английского языка по теме «Happiness»7 класс

учителя английского языка

МОУ СОШ №12, г. Усолье-Сибирское Иркутской области

Алексеевой Виктории Константиновны

Урок предназначен для учащихся седьмого класса. Во время занятия ученики выполняют разные виды речевой деятельности на знакомом лексическом и грамматическом материале: аудирование, чтение, говорение. Ученики рассуждают о том, в какие моменты жизни человек может почувствовать себя счастливым и приходят к выводу, что это может происходить в самых простых ситуациях. Ситуация успеха создается как при монологическом высказывании, так при выполнении вопросно-ответных упражнений. Во время занятия учащиеся получают заряд положительных эмоций, что мотивирует коммуникативную и учебную деятельность.

Цель : Научить учащихся высказываться по теме «Happiness»

Развивать речевую культуру школьников и культуры общения.

Формировать положительную мотивацию учения.

Оборудование :

Pаздаточный материал: карточки с текстом для чтения.

Мультимедийный проектор, экран.

Презентация к уроку «Happiness»

Ход урока

Организационный момент:

Good morning, children! Happy to see you today. How are you? Take your sits, please.

Фонетическая зарядка:

Every day I say “Happy to see you !” And you? Are you happy to meet your friends? Look at the screen and guess what the topic of the lesson is. Yes, we are going to talk about happiness.(слайд 1)

Основная часть:

T – We often hear “He is happy” or “She is unhappy (sad)”. But nobody can say what happiness is. (слайд 2) Let’s try to answer this question today. From the very beginning let’s try to find out what makes people happy.

На экране схема:

When are you happy?

T - To answer this question you are to remember when you feel happy, what makes you happy, who makes toy happy.

Use the structure “I feel happy when I … ” or “I am happy when I…

As for me, I feel happy when I travel .

Look and say your ideas. (слайд 3,4)

P1 - I feel happy when I meet my friends.

P2 - I am happy when I watch TV.

P3 - I feel happy when I have a birthday party.

P4 - I feel happy when I eat tasty things.

P5 - I am happy when I read an interesting book.

P6 - I feel happy when I do sports.

P7 - I am happy when I go hiking.

T – I am glad you are happy. There are many people who can make us happy. Let’s talk about them. Use the structure “… make (makes) me happy”.

As for me, my daughter makes me happy.

Look and say your ideas. (слайд 5)

P1 – My friend makes me happy.

P2 – my teachers make me happy.

P3 – My brother makes me happy.

P4 – My sister makes me happy.

P5 – My parents make me happy.

P6 – My school makes me happy.

P7 – My classmates make me happy.

P8 – My family makes me happy.

T – OK, now let’s dream. When will you be happy?

Use the structure “I will be happy if I have…

As for me, I will be if I have my own school.

P1 - I will be happy if I have a car.

P2 - I will be happy if I have a house.

P3 - I will be happy if I have a friend.

P4 - I will be happy if I have money.

P5 - I will be happy if I have a family.

P6 - I will be happy if I have a beautiful dress.

P7- I will be happy if I have a computer.

Look and say your ideas. (слайд 6)

T – Thank you for your ideas. Now your task will be to read a text and learn when people are happy.

Учитель раздает ученикам текст “We can be happy” для просмотрового чтения. Дети читают его 10 минут, затем дополняют коллаж «Счастье» новыми примерами.

We can be happy

Everybody can really be happy. I give you some easy advices that help me to feel happy. The first advice is to always smile to everybody . Do your favourite job . Love your parents and friends, enjoy everything you do. But you should learn to feel your happiness. Some people don’t want or don’t know how to feel it. They can’t understand that happiness is everywhere. You can feel happy when you sleep, eat or study.

Unfortunately, there are many beggars in the world. They feel happy when they find a building with a roof, when they eat, when somebody offers them some help.

For rich people happiness is a bit different . They feel happy when they buy a second or a third flat, when they open their own shop.

For my sister, happiness is another thing. She is 12. She can feel happy when she reads an interesting book, when she plays her favorite game.

My mother thinks that happiness is to have children. Some people say that happiness is money.

Many people think that happiness is to sit at home, to watch TV and to have no problems.

I think happiness is to have a family and friends; to love people whom we know; and, to help each other to solve little and big problems.

I have my own home, a family, I study in a good school, and my classmates are my best friends. I like all people on the Earth . I think I am the happiest person. I always smile, and believe that all will be OK even something bad happens.

Try to be optimistic and you will understand that life is not a bad thing. It is important to remember that we can really to be happy.

T – Now you can tell me about other people. Tell me when people are happy? Use the structure “Some people are happy when they …”

For example, some people are happy when the have a house with a roof to sleep in and enough food to eat.

P1 - Some people are happy when they help friends.

P2 - Some people are happy when they have a house with a roof.

P3 - Some people are happy when they love somebody.

P4 - Some people are happy when they study.

P4 - Some people are happy when they sleep.

P5 - Some people are happy when they eat.

P6 - Some people are happy when they have no problems.

P7 - Some people are happy when they sit at home.

T – Thank you for your work. Now I want you to look at the blackboard and try to tell “What is happiness?”

Ученики рассматривают коллаж и называют все причины счастья по порядку. (слайд 7)

P1 – Happiness – is home, friends, TV, party, traveling, books, computer…

(ответы учеников, монологическое высказывание)

T – So, what can we say in general? We can say that happiness is everything and everywhere . You should remember about it. Smile to each other and you will always be happy. Can you give your advice to help people to be happy?

P1 - Always smile to everybody.

P2 - Do your favourite job.

P3 - Love your parents and friends.

По теме «Семья и друзья: Счастливы ли мы вместе?»

(УМК “ Enjoy English -9”)

при подготовке обучающихся к сдаче ГИА


учитель английского языка


город Черняховск

2011 год

Тема урока

«Families and Friends: Are we Happy Together? »

“Семья и Друзья: Счастливы ли мы вместе?”

Цель : Формирование коммуникативных навыков по теме «Семья и Друзья».


Обучающий аспект:

Познакомить с новыми лексическими единицами по теме, научить употреблять их в речи.

Развивающий аспект :

Развитие умений работы с текстом в группе, совершенствование умения в чтении с детальным пониманием прочитанного, развитие навыков монологической речи.

Воспитывающий аспект :

Научить выражать свою точку зрения: согласие, несогласие, сомнение с идеями, данными в тексте, подбирать аргументы в защиту своей точки зрения.

Языковой и речевой материал, подлежащий усвоению для использования в устной речи:

Лексический материал : глаголы to support, to betray, to envy, to fell jealous, to ignore, to derserve, to quarrel, to nappreciate smth, to avoid.

I support the idea that..., I absolutely agree with..., I have nothing against the idea that..., I`m afraid, I don`t like the idea..., I`m absolutely against the idea that..., It`s nonsense..., It sounds strange to me..., On one hand..., On the other hand..., In some ways, I agree with..., but at the same time...

Грамматический материал : Present Simple

Учебно-раздаточный материал : картинки по теме, карточки с предложениями.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

T: Sit down, please. Today we are going to talk about your families and friends. We will discuss relations between parents and their children and find out what attitude parents usually have to their children’s friends. But first, answer my questions, please. (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.)

T: Is your family very important to you? Why?

P1: My family is very important to me because parents teach me how to live, they help me in difficult situations.

T: Do you often have conflicts with your parents?

P2: Sometimes we don`t understand each other.

T: Do your parents like your friends and allow you to spend time together?

P3: In my opinion, they are not against our friendship.

T: A little bit later you will read texts about British pupils speaking about their parents and friends, but to do your best you should learn some words.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

На доске – слова и дефиниции, дети должны прочитать их и дать русские эквиваленты, не пользуясь словарем (S. B. p. 20 ex. 29).

T: Look at the blackboard and repeat after me. (Учитель читает только слова.)

Read the words and the definitions, give the Russian equivalents of the words. Let`s work one by one. (Учащиеся по очереди читают и переводят слова с помощью дефиниций.)

3. Работа с лексикой

T: Repeat the words after M. once again. (Учащиеся повторяют слова за сильным учеником.)

T: Make up your own sentences. (Дети составляют свои предложения с этими словами.)

4. Работа с текстами в группах

T: You know that very often teenagers have some problems because their parents don’t like their friends. Now you are going to read the texts about Alan, Julia and Catherine and to learn how they feel about the parents-and-friends problem. Work in groups. The first group will read the text about Alan, the second-about Julia, the third-about Catherine. You will get several sentences and after reading you should find the sentence that reflects the idea of the text and put it on the blackboard under the name of your character.(S. B. p.21 ex.30). Prove your opinion. (Осуществляется работа в группах, которая предусматривает чтение с пониманием общего содержания. Учащиеся объясняют свой выбор и прикрепляют нужное предложение на доску.)

T: Open your books at page 21 ex. 30.

Group1: It’s safer to rely on family.

Group2: Friends are good for nothing.

Group3: We can’t choose relatives, but we can choose friends-and that’s the thing!

T: Now, cоmment on each of your texts. What do you agree with and what ideas don’t you share? Use the following phrases: I support the idea that..., I absolutely agree with..., I have nothing against the idea that..., I’m afraid, I don’t like the idea..., I’m absolutely against the idea that..., It’s nonsense..., It sounds strange to me..., On one hand..., On the other hand..., In some ways, I agree with..., but at the same time...

(На доске фразы, помогающие высказать согласие или несогласие с мнением героя текста. Учащиеся читают их за учителем и переводят некоторые из них.)

T: Use the phrases explaining your attitude to Alan’s, Julia’s, and Catherine’s opinions.(Учащиеся говорят с чем согласны, а с чем нет.)

Group1: Alan thinks that...

We support the idea...

We think so, because...

5. Работа с эквивалентами к предложениям из текстов

T: Read all the texts once again and find the equivalents to the following sentences from the texts. p.23, ex.35(a)

(Учащиеся находят в текстах предложения-синонимы.)

1. ... a unity of people who support each other in different situations.

2. Blood is thicker than water.

3. They care about their jobs and making money.

4. Sometimes we quarrel...


«Мое представление о счастье»

Урок «Мое представление о счастье» был проведен в 10Б классе с углубленным изучением английского языка (УМК «Английский язык. 10 класс. Афанасьева О.В.») учителем английского языка Зайчиковой В.И. в соответствии с планом работы лицея по реализации стандартов второго поколения и внедрению активных форм обучения в рамках «Дня открытых дверей» в Декаду филологического профиля

17.04 2015 г.

Урок был дан в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта, «Программы для гимназий, лицеев, и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка» под ред. О.В.Афанасьевой, а также в соответствии с рабочей программой к УМК «Английский язык.10класс.. О.В.Афанасьева» и календарно-тематическим планированием.

Данный урок являлся итоговым, обобщающим уроком раздела «Человек в поисках счастья» УМК «Английский язык. 10 класс. О.В. Афанасьева».

Конспект урока «Мое представление о счастье».

Цели и задачи:

Развитие коммуникативной компетенции, а именно: развитие

коммуникативных умений в говорении (подготовленная и

неподготовленная монологическая и диалогическая речь);

Развитие учебно-познавательной компетенции, в частности, умения

использовать новые информационные технологии;

Развитие личности учащихся, а именно: формирования у учащихся

умения самореализации и социальной адаптации в современном


В ходе урока учащиеся:

Этап 1 - демонстрировали свои презентации под названием «Мое

представление о счастье»;

этот этап урока был глубоко личностно-ориентирован;

Этап2 - приняли участие в игре «Попроси золотую рыбку» выполнить твое

самое заветное желание, целью которой было определение соотношения

этого этапа урока было вовлечение в игру представителей

администрации, учителей и родителей, присутствовавших на уроке;

Этап3 - обсуждали в группах значение материальных и духовных ценностей

для счастья человека и представляли результаты обсуждения;

Этап4 - делились своими мыслями о том, изменилось ли их представление о

счастье после обсуждения и дискуссии.

Подробный ход урока.

Этап2 . В ходе второго этапа использовались два оригинальных приема ,

которые я условно назвала «Золотая рыбка» и «Секретный агент».

Использование этих приемов обеспечивает логичный переход от

предыдущего этапа урока (показ презентаций по теме «Что такое счастье в

моем понимании») ко второму этапу.

После показа презентаций учитель говорит:

People are happy if their dreams come true. Ask Goldfish make your inmost

dream come true . (На зкран проецируется изображение Золотой рыбки, к


Eg. I wish I had 1,000,000 dollars.

If I had 1,000,000 dollars I would buy a yacht and make a round-the-world trip.

После того, как все (включая родителей и администрацию) попросилиРыбкувыполнитьижелания, учительговорит:

Thank you. While you were asking Goldfish to make your dreams come true I think I’ve spotted a secret agent!

There is a young lady among you who was closely watching you , listening to you attentively and making notes.

She is surely spying into you secret dreams!

(К доске выходит ученик, которому перед уроком было дано специальное задание) и говорит:

My name is Mrs. Fletcher. I am a psychology expert from the University of Massachusetts, the USA.

I’ve been carrying out a research into the problems of teenagers.

I’ve just overheard students of the 10 th form asking Goldfish for their dreams to come true.

Three students asked Goldfish to help them enter a University and find prestigious job after leaving school.

Three students want to travel round the world, to buy CDs with favourite music, be happy and successful in life.

Six students would like to have smart gadgets and expensive cars, wear fashionable clothes made by well-known designers, have much money and possessions.

It means that they put material values first.

So, I can draw a conclusion that students of the 10 form are materialistic but to a reasonable extent.

As for parents, they are less materialistic because, first and foremost, they would like their children to be healthy, to have good friends who can give them a helping hand in a difficult situation, to live in peace.

Этап 3. Teacher: Well, according to Mrs. Fletcher’s observations, most of the

students put material values first. Do you think

Being materialistic is a key to happy and su с cessful life?

Split into groups of 4-5. Hold the discussion. Go through these stages :

    s hare your ideas with your classmates ;

    listen to the others; avoid being judgmental, be positive and

friendly ;

    make notes ;

    choose a spoksman , help him/her to make a plan/write a

summary of the discussion

    report the results of your group discussion to the class.

discussed the problem and came to the following conclusions.

Пример ответа одной из групп:

To be materialistic or not to be? Do material values make people happy and successful? We discussed the problem and came to the following conclusions.

To start with, I should state that being materialistic is not evil, as some people, especially the elder generation, think. The fact is that life itself make people think about material values. People can’t but think about food to eat, clothes to wear, accomodations to live in, gadgets to communicate and so on. Moreover, they want food to be delicious, clothes to be fashionable, accomodations to be comfortable, gadgets to be cool and up-to-date. And it is quite natural. The problems arise if people put too much importance to it, make buying new things the main goal in their life. Why does it happen? Well, people might want to self-assert, to draw attention to themselves. They may want to keep up with the Joneses, that is, not to be worse than the neighbours, the classmates. But sooner or later fashionable clothes and up-to-date gadgets become out-of-date and what next? You have to buy new ones and keep on buying, buying, buying… and can’t stop. Strangely enough, but being too materialistic makes people unhappy rather than happy because it takes much money and efforts.

On the contrary, moral values, if you have them, are always with you, they can’t become out- of-date. You have to develop the best qualities of you character, to be positive while communicating with your friends and learn to be a true friend, to improve your health, to keep your word and never break your promises.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that to buy a new thing is much easier than to stick to moral values, but if we want to be really happy and successful instead of having a false illusion of being happy, we must do it.

Заключительное слово учителя.

Well, to sum it up, I should say that there should be a reasonable balance

between material and moral values, you should stick to the golden middle,

and have a sence of proportion in everything you do.